Features & Tools
We are constantly adding new features and content to the free Curio app (including through our Current Collaborations). On this page you will find a 5-minute video tour of the entire app, as well as a short video about an individual item appearing.

Five-minute tour video
Our application is full of free content that will enhance learning experiences all around. We’ve built the Curio XR app for users from all VR experience levels. Our easy-to-use interface utilizes intuitive hand gestures for navigation, so no additional controllers are required.
Learning Experiences, Adventures & Dissection
- Geometry – Sample Spaces: Pizza Combinations
- Geometry – Right Triangle Similarity: Shadows and Ladders
- Geometry – Volume of Cylinders: Fill the Pan
- Geometry – Volume of Cones: Cooler Cup Conversions
- Geometry – Volume of Pyramids: Bazaar Volume
- XR Survive (Run, Hide, Fight)
- Synovial Joint Explorer
- How Neurons Communicate
- Supersonic Flow Over Aircraft
- Thermal Stratification and Oxygen Levels in Lakes
Check out how our content is used in Higher Education and K-12 Education.